Athena Punches Gender Norms in the Dick

Athena does not care for the norms society has assigned to her gender.

Since the dawn of time, society has dictated how each gender should behave.

It says men must be masculine. Their default behaviour has to be aggressive, foul, and crude.

And it says women must be feminine. Their default behaviour has to be gentle, proper, and refined.

The two genders can not swap or mix behaviours as it is unnatural. Men have to act as men and women have to act as ladies, as the law ascribes.

Athena does not subscribe to this belief. 

Athena will behave as she pleases.

If she wants to feel feminine by dressing up, putting makeup on, and curling her hair, she will.

However, at the same time, if she feels like making crude jokes while wearing a beautiful gown, she will do that, too.

There is nothing you can tell her to make her behave any differently. She will respond by laughing menacingly in your face.

She will also respond with the violence and swiftness of a soldier if you challenge her to a sport intending to embarrass her.

She may at times look delicate and fragile, but let me assure you: she will channel the energy of Zion when she is offended and annihilate you in the arena.

There was this one time in her youth when a boy jokingly challenged her to a game of basketball, believing he would easily defeat and humiliate her.

She took offence to that act, so she channelled the anger from within and bullied this poor lad in the post for the entirety of the 11-point match.

She battered him good. Those who were present to witness the match even claimed Athena “molly-wopped” his rear end as he collapsed nearly every possession from pain and fatigue.

That boy left the game bruised and bloody… and that’s just to his ego. He had contusions all over and his face was bleeding in multiple areas.

She beat him up -within the confines of the rules of the game- all because he mocked her ability to play a game.

These types of people have been irritating her her entire life and that day she wanted to prove something. And that thing is girls can be and do whatever they want.

Ever since that match, Athena has been making it a priority -a life’s mission- to punch gender norms in the dick.