Dennis Regan’s Law of Reciprocity and How It’s Used in Marketing

What is the Law of Reciprocity? According to a social psychologist, it is the feeling of obligation… the obligation of returning a favour.

Have you returned a favour recently? Why did you do it? Also, how did you feel while you were deciding on returning a helping hand?

Did you feel some sort of pull or pressing needs to return it?

My guess is you probably did. Continue reading “Dennis Regan’s Law of Reciprocity and How It’s Used in Marketing”

Asch’s Conformity Experiment and Marketing

How can Solomon Asch’s Conformity Experiment be applied to marketing (or what does it say about consumer culture)? 

I’ve talked about this theory before, but I want to go back to it for this post. I want to look at it within a different realm and show you how it is used in marketing.

However, before I do that, here’s a recap of what the Asch Conformity experiment is and what it revealed about people. Continue reading “Asch’s Conformity Experiment and Marketing”

Psychology of Marketing

Marketing is really just the psychology of persuasion.

I once had a professor who said that behind every marketing campaign was a psychologist.

The reason, she said, was that marketing is really just the art of persuasion.

And persuasion is something that affects the mind.

And the study of the mind and its processes is psychology.

That’s why marketing really is just psychology, or more specifically, social psychology. Continue reading “Psychology of Marketing”