How Bruce Lee’s ‘Striking Thoughts’ Can Inspire You

“Education: to discover but not merely to imitate. Learning techniques without inward experiencing can only lead to superficiality.” – Bruce Lee

Man, Bruce Lee was the shit when I was a kid (actually he still is)!

I don’t remember which movie of his I saw first, but I have watched a bunch of them.

One of the things that I liked most about him when I was younger was just how badass he was.

He didn’t take any shit from anyone and he always stood up for his community. This was really cool to me back then.

And to an extent, it still is.

But Bruce Lee, and this is something that I found out much later in life, is more than a martial artist and ass kicker. “Thanks for that Captain Obvious,” you might be thinking.

And you are right. I was ignorant to all that Bruce Lee is. But I didn’t know, okay?

Anyways, it wasn’t until I was in my maybe late teens or early twenties when I found out that Bruce Lee was also a philosopher; that he was a really big thinker.

I started watching some of his interviews and I was amazed by the stuff that he talked about. Continue reading “How Bruce Lee’s ‘Striking Thoughts’ Can Inspire You”