What is The Milgram Experiment?

The Milgram Experiment was a social psychological study conducted by Stanley Milgram in 1961 at Yale University. It was an examination of obedience in men.

With it, he wanted to test the limits of obedience in men. He wanted to know how far men were willing to go to obey an authority figure.

Milgram wanted to know if they were willing to disrupt their personal conscience for the sake of obedience. Continue reading “What is The Milgram Experiment?”

What is Evolutionary Psychology?

Ever wonder what evolutionary psychology is? I did so I decided to do some research. Here are my findings and thoughts on the topic.

I was watching this show called “Warrior” the other day (well, I was actually re-watching it because it’s that dope). It’s based on this story that Bruce Lee created.

Anyway, this show has a lot of martial arts and fighting in it. This is one of the reasons why I like it so much.

As an example, in the very first scene, the main character gets into a fight with two racist immigrant officials. He uses his martial arts to beat them up and as I was watching this, I felt this aggression run through me.

And this feeling happened every time I watched a fight scene in this show (which is often). In one of the last scenes of the season finale, there was this big fight scene. And as soon as I finished watching it, I just had to hit something.

So the next day, I dusted off my old punching and hung up. I went 3 rounds with it and I felt great (I felt great in that I got to release all the aggression. Physically, I felt horrible).

But why did I feel this way? Why did my body shoot an injection of testosterone into me? Continue reading “What is Evolutionary Psychology?”